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Humboldt Soccer League


Co-Ed Futsal Rules (Fall 2023)

Winter Tournament Rules (Jan 2024)

Field/Game Updates 

Check your division schedule for game locations.

We usually play at at the Arcata Sports Complex (ASC) fields next to Healthsport but occasionally games are played elsewhere.

The City of Arcata is very cautious about protecting its fields, which means as HSL players we need to be cautious as well. When it is raining or has recently rained, and you are not sure about field conditions, please check the Facebook page. This will let you know whether the games will be played at the Arcata Sports Complex, rescheduled, or not played at all. Facebook posts about rain cancellations can be updated as late as 90 minutes before game time. You can also check field conditions at:

Humboldt Soccer League Manager Expectations Document

Game-Day Timeline

  • Players must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to game to check in.
  • Teams check in (with rosters) with referees 10 minutes before the hour.
  • Games kick off on the hour. Teams with FEWER than 9 players (at least 2 of which are woman in co-ed leagues) after the first 10 minutes will be considered to have FORFEITED the game at this point.

Referees Needed: If you are interested in refereeing for the league, please contact us by email.

League Rules: League rules and regulations, including required equipment, length of games, and substitution rules are noted below.

Respect and sportsmanship are core values of this league. All members of this league are expected to reflect these core values in their words and conduct. Racist, sexist, homophobic, biphobic, and/or transphobic language or conduct will not be tolerated on the field. Players who violate this policy may be given a yellow or red card at the discretion of the referee. Serious violations may result in further discipline after review by the board.

Equipment Required:
 Shin guards, shoes (no toe cleats), jerseys, shorts (long pants are OK for keepers), and socks covering the shin guards are required. Each team will have matching jerseys with numbers (preferably on the back), and each team should have its own distinct color and shade (i.e. if it's dark blue, all players should have dark blue, not a mix of light blue and dark blue or some blue and some green).

Slide Tackling: Humboldt Soccer League does not allow slide tackling. Sliding to keep a ball in bounds is acceptable as long as another player is not also making a play on the ball. Sliding to dispossess the opponent of the ball is not permitted and will be sanctioned at the minimum as dangerous play and the player guilty of the infraction shall be issued a caution (yellow card). If the referee determines that the tackle constitutes a serious foul play, a send-off (red card) may be issued.

Game Start Time, Length of Games, Number of Players, & Substitutions: Games are to be started at the time shown on the schedule. To start on time, you need to get checked in by the referee at least 10 minutes prior to the start time. To start a game, a minimum of 7 players is required, two of which are women in the coed leagues. If within 10 minutes the team does not have 9 players (with two women), that team will forfeit. If a team is not ready to play within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, the team that is short of players shall forfeit the game, the game will not be rescheduled, and the referees shall not officiate the match.

Games are to consist of two 40 minute halves with a 10 minute interval between halves. Games started late shall be shortened by the amount of time between the scheduled start time and actual start time, to be divided equally between the halves.

In the CoEd leagues, 4 of the 11 players are women and a team will play down if they have less than 4 women (but must have at least 1 woman on the field to play. If both teams agree before a game starts, games can be played with only 3 women if both teams are short female players.  A team may play with as many women on the field over the above numbers as they like. 

Substitution rules are based on FIFA laws, meaning substitutions may happen at any stoppage in play but must be first approved by the center referee.

Rosters & Player Identification: Each team must have a minimum of 16 players on the roster. Players should upload a current, recognizable photo to the league website. The manager must present the roster with photos and numbers to the center official for check in.

Yellow & Red Card Policy:

  • Accumulated Yellow Cards--3 yellows over the season in any division results in an 8-day ban from all divisions.
    • Two yellows in one match, resulting in a red card, count towards the 3 yellow penalty.
  • Red Cards - When a player receives a red card:
    - They must leave the field of play and they should not interact with the referee at that point or during the remainder of the game, or after the game. Such interactions may result in further disciplinary action at the discretion of the referee or board (see below)
    - A referee may ask a player who receives a red card to leave the premises. Failure to leave the premises in a timely manner will result further disciplinary action at the discretion of the board (see below)
    Red Card disciplinary action:
    - Any straight red results in an 8 day ban from all divisions and may result in further disciplinary action at the discretion of the board and referee.
    - Further disciplinary action may include an additional 2 game suspension.
    - 2 straight reds in the season results in a ban for the rest of the season for all divisions.

Dogs/Tobacco/Alcohol Policy: Arcata Sports Complex does not allow dogs or use of alcoholic beverages at the field. McKinleyville High School is a tobacco and alcohol-free campus; use of tobacco products or alcohol is not allowed. Violation of these rules jeopardizes our field agreement.

HSL 7 v 7 League Rules (Summer): In general, all HSL rules above apply; however, the following rules are specific to 7 v 7.

  1. A full team is seven players, with a two women minimum. A team will be considered to have forfeit if it cannot field at least five players, one of whom is female.
  2. Halves are 25 minutes.
  3. Substitutions may be made at any time, on the fly.
  4. There will be no offside.
  5. All restarts are indirect free kicks (no throw-ins).
  6. No player, offensive or defensive, may enter the crease (the arc around the goalmouth) unless the ball is in the crease. Violations will result in a corner kick (defensive violation), a PK if blocking a potential goal (defensive violation), or a restart from the end line (offensive violation). Repeated violations (especially "goaltending”) will result in a 30 second penalty (player must step off the field for 30 seconds, no substitutions possible).
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